I have been on a emotinoal roller coaster latly (no im not pregnant) because I went off my med's for a couple weeks and now am back on them grr I hate the inbetween I feel tired all the time right now and I do not get anything done like I should... therefore also explaing my lack of bloggging latly I know I should be trying to think about meal plan monday but I am thinking tacos and then??? lot's of leftover tacos??? lol yeah I'm sure the family would love that. I did NOT go black friday shopping on friday, I went to cvs on thanksgiving but that was it. I enjoyed being blissfully lost in my own little world this weekend and not worrying about sales. This was because number one I don't have money to shop with, number two my DH had to work and didn't want to take kids to that kind of mess, and number 3 I am terribly lazy and hate getting up in the morning. Now I am later especially glade I didn't go because I heard of all sorts of terrible things that happend on black friday. The following all happend at Walmart's close to my home(according to my neighbor) 1) 8month pregnancy was lost 2) toddler was rushed away in ambulance for medical treatment (mind you personally i don't know why this child was there but come on stepping on a kid???) and #3) A employee died trying to open the door for the crowds and several others were injuried trying to get him out of the way to save him... I can't beleave people can be this crude over sales. Yes there were good sales, but if you have to hurt someone to get them they are not worth it. If sales are more important to you then human life??? well to say the least I dont know how you found my blog if it is. On a sad note, goodnight.
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